Saturday night I was running a fever and felt like crap, the later it got, the worse I felt. I went to bed praying that God would help me make it through the graduation ceremony and my party. In the morning I still did not feel to hot, but I couldn't skip church because I was being commissioned for Camp Luz. I got up, took some medicine and got ready for church. I had a headache most of the day, but I was at least better enough to smile and pretend to be healthy! Nicole showed up to my party with 9 herbal pills she got from her mom that were suppose to help me get better. I definitely felt like a giant pill popper when I took them, but they did seem to help! Yeah herbs!
My family and I estimate that over 200 people came to my grandma's for my party. I felt loved and honored. I am also quite thankful to my Iowa cousins Lisa and Tasha who served that tasty soup and delicious ice cream roll. Thanks ladies!
Ethan showed up in his promised yellow shorts that had believe written on the butt. They were mega amazing! After he, Jeni, Nicole and I saw Juno Ethan told us that he had shorts like the runners, which had made me burst out in laughter every time they came on the screen, and he promised to wear them to my party! I think what made them even better were his tall argyle socks. hehe, way to be Ethan!