My Lord my Savior my God
Save me from my ways
Convict me when I need convicted
Let me know what it means to know You
Let me follow in your footsteps
Keep me from straying
Teach me your ways
Save me from my numbness
Convict me with the Holy Spirit
Frustrate me until I change
For you are the only thing that should matter
Why do I doubt You?
Why do I not continuously praise You
Let me change
Let me live in your way
May my actions reflect You and only You
May people see You when they see me and not evil within me
May perverse things not come out of me
May Your Glory be revealed in my every step
Where would I be without you
I’ve had glimpses of that way and God I don’t want that
Charge me anew
Let me glorify you
May I not become so comfortable with my falseness that I accept my perverse ways as how I am designed to be
God afflict me until I understand
Frustrate me until I grasp my mistakes
Charge me until I meet Your request
Challenge me to uphold Your truth
Surround me with accountability even when it hurts
Lord show me You