Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Graduation and moving

Graduation was May 9. My parents, Nathaniel, and Nicole all came for my graduation. It was a good time seeing them and spending a few more nights with my Hesston friends. Strange to think that my late night Drubers and Newels runs are finished and that my friends are no longer at the college we all met at and reeked havoc on with our movie marathons, weekend trip to lake Wilson, and roof climbing, and numerous other adventures.

On the way back from Kansas we stopped in Iowa for a day to see family. It was wonderful to spend some time with them laughing and carrying on like we always do. Shannon has had her baby since then so now Scotty and her have a young baby girl to care for. I wonder when I will get to meet her?

I spent a few weeks at home and then moved out here to Telford, PA. I enjoy that I am within walking distance from church and am hoping for many good weathered Sunday mornings so that I will indeed partake in a walk. I'm living in the basement of a family from church and babysitting once a week for them. While I haven't gotten to babysit just yet, I am quite excited to get started. There are three children 2 boys Bryce, Brandt, and one girl names Brooklyn (of whose name I must say is quite wonderful).

For the summer I'm working at a produce farm in the store, the wagon, and picking. My employers are great people to work for and I often wont go home without a nice laugh or two.

Nathaniel and I are both happy to no longer be living 1,188 miles apart. Being able to see each other and spend time together each day has been well enjoyed by both of us. He has another church softball game this evening that I am looking forward to watching, maybe one of these games it'll be cold enough for me to take my snuggy he got me as a gag gift at Christmas.

I really ought to stop procrastinating from cleaning up my place,besides not much else to say right now. I'm just glad to be moved out here and am working on adjusting to new surroundings and roads.


Julie said...

nice pics, your few weeks home in reality were 2 weeks and one of those weeks you had those nasty wisdom teeth out, so i don't know if that really even counts you were like a chipmunk! :-) (Chippy chippy chipmunk) So PA is you new home and you seem to be adjusting well, although I never had a doubt. Missing you here in OH, and wishing you the best in PA

Brooke said...

I am enjoying it mom, I miss you too