Friday, November 18, 2011

Profit & Faith?

What does it mean to work for a business that exists to be profitable AND is owned by persons who claim Christianity?

A missionary of several decades calls a local business to get information on having some products shipped to him across the country (as he is back in the USA for a bit). Shipping products across the country is expensive for customers and is very profitable for the company. After speaking with the customer service personnel who loves Jesus too the missionary learns some about the employee and prays for the employee during their conversation. This phone call comes to a close with the employee having the information he needs to look into the next step of shipping for the customer. Excited about this phone call the employee shares it with a coworker or two. It is obvious that the phone call encouraged, and fueled the fire in the employee's vigor for Christ. The employee proceeds to relay the phone call that enlightened him to his employer who responds with a quote about like this "Just make sure you charge him a lot, I don't see a red cross on your back."

True Story.

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