Sunday, October 11, 2009

Busy and looking forward to fall break!

Since I'm so busy reading these books for classes I do not really have the spare time I used to for the luxury of blogging. Even right now as I am sitting here I am thinking about things I should do as an RA in preparation for our pick-a-date mod meeting tonight; I need to drop the hot-coco, apples to apples, and the other games off at my mod parents so they they are there when people return with their desserts from our Dessert search (4 people, 2 date sets, are going out with a limit of $10 and 1 hour to see which group can come back with the best dessert and then well play games).

This past week I cross-trained at Applebee's from a hostess to a server. I did a little math in my head on my way back to Hesston on Saturday after getting off my shift and realized that I worked over 40 hours at Applebee's this week. I am quite glad that I do not work a full time job with my 17 (plus my auditing of chorale which makes it 18) credit hours; I'd never have a moment to spare between homework, Applebee's, and my other responsibilities as an RA. No worries, I'll be back to a normal part-time position at Applebee's now that my training is done. Applebee's is getting new menus on the 19th, which ought to be fun to try to implement so soon after my training. Although, I am looking forward to several of the new items; I just hope that it does not completely confuse me since I am so new to this position and will never get to be a server with the menu I trained under.

On an extremely happy note that I happened during Hesston's Centennial celebration weekend the last weekend in September. My parent's came out for their 30 year class reunion and when I was heading outside to greet them I saw a third person walking beside them, whom I first thought was a random person who just happened to be on the sidewalk, but suddenly realized was Nathaniel! This was the most wonderful surprise I could ask for; Nathaniel's home is 24 hours from Hesston. He had contacted my parents and set it up so that he would drive to Ohio and then car-pool out here with them. I was completely ecstatic! It was dinner time and where I was meeting my parents was just outside the cafeteria, so everyone eating got to see Nathaniel surprise me. I had quite a few people on campus tell me they quite enjoyed watching us, especially the girls in my mod with whom 5 minutes prior I had a conversation with about how long it would be until I got to see him. The weekend flew by (with not much sleep), and while I was gone to a chorale rehearsal my parent's and their college friends Brian and Judy TP'd my room and short-sheeted my bed. I love them, who can say that they were pranked by their parents and their parents college friends? Also, Penn State and Iowa played that weekend; as I am sure most of you know Iowa won! Even though I had to miss 3/4 of the game because of music gala the chorale sang in, I enjoyed having Nathaniel around so that I could tease him a bit.

The weekend went by too quickly and soon my parents and Nathaniel were heading to Iowa Poor Nathaniel had to meet my brother and most of the Gugel's without me. He survived, I think they went easy on him. I will say though, that saying goodbye this time was much easier than it'd been in May and then in August when we knew we wouldn't see each other for several months because it was only 3 weeks between then and fall break. Now fall break is only 3 days away! Wednesday after classes I am flying to the Philadelphia airport where Nathaniel will pick me up; I am very much looking forward to a break from classes and a week with Nathaniel and his family.

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