Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Break

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you, and am so blessed to have an amazing mom like you.

Christmas Break has been awesome. I am done working until February;the perfume place is closed, my Bosses are doing inventory in the Bahamas, and Nicole is taking over me job on the farm. For the most part I am excited, yet I am very aware that no work means no income, which means no gas money. I think I saved plenty of money this semester to make it through January and have fun with my friends...ask me again late in January. ;-)

My parents, my brother, and I went to Iowa 25-28, it was loads of fun! Kyle (my cousin, who wrote a note telling me that he is the 1st Kyle) was up from Texas so it was nice to see him again. He and Caleb cracked quite a few good jokes and had us all crying with laughter. Shannon cut my hair for me at the Salon where she works and it looks great! My little cousin Aleigha (who is now 9) hung out with me non-stop! She gave up her bed for me and slept in a sleeping bag on the floor (thanks girlfriend, you are cool). We played Apples to Apples at Ryan and Tasha's I learned quite a few different things during that night. Did you know that it is a was not a good year for cashews? Ryan thinks so, the cashews in Tasha's chex-mix just where not to up to par in his opinion. Friday it snowed about 6" looked nice, but made the gravel roads more slick, luckily the roads were cleared enough for us to head home at 8.

We got home at 3 and I slept til noon (man, that was awesome). Made it up to my Grandma Pat's at 1. There were 46 of us up there (and that is not near all us), still it was great fun. I won a Euchre game, and played several rounds of fast-scrabble. Rocked John and Jamie's baby, Braelyn, to sleep. There were a lot of babies and young children there so many of my cousins are having kids, it is just craziness. 2 of my cousins and I went to see the second National Treasure, The Secret Book, I was pleasantly to surprised. It was a fairly good movie the 3 of us agreed that it was worth the price of the movie ticket.

My parents and I took down my grandma's Christmas decorations today with the help of my Aunt Lorene and Uncle Gary. We then played fast-scrabble and ate left overs (including a cake) to celebrate my mothers birthday!

The only plans I have left for Christmas break are to take down our Christmas Decorations tomorrow, go to an awesome concert tomorrow, and work on the song I wrote. Which I will do Wednesday, Eric is going to meet with me at the Church at 4:30 to help me write the guitar part, I have it in my head, but am not the good at guitar. I am excited to work on the song! I have no idea if anything will ever come of it, but it came to me one evening and want to finish getting it written down. Maybe we will play it at MYF (youth group) some evening! That would be cool. I will see what God does with it, he brought the song to me, I am trying to do my part by getting it down.


Kyle said...

good times. Sorry I haven't been able to come visit. Can't wait to hear this song, though.

Julie said...

Thanks Brooke I did have a good birthday. What kind of a mom am I? I let you sleep in way too late too many times this Christmas vacation. I don't know what my problem is. I guess I am mellowing out in my old age!!
Thank you for your help especially up at grandmas. I love the way that you pitch in and help out with out being asked but that you can just see things that need done, and you do them. THANK YOU!!
Dad and I are looking forward to hearing your song I hope you will share it with us soon!! I love you!!