Time for a quick update on my currently stressful life. Christmas break is approaching (at a painfully slow rate in my opinion) which has caused my Honors English teacher to go overboard on essays and projects. She gave my class an essay on the concept of evil, and a Horror story writing assignment. The Concept of Evil paper was simple enough to write, yet Horror Stories are not my forte so that was harder to write (and really is a bad story in my opinion) I based it off of a short innocent encounter I had with an older gentleman while in Michigan; it is lame (in my opinion, which as the author is a credible source). Later that week she gave out two more projects a short essay and presentation in which I must take a modern media and compare it to Romantic literature (I chose The Beatles, "All you Need is Love"). For the last project I have to research the Victorian Age and discover how they would decorate a Christmas tree and then decorate one myself, I also must create a Victorian-Christmas card, and a Victorian Christmas stocking. The three essays are due this week (I may post them if you would be interested in reading my super exciting essays and my terrible horror story). The Victorian Christmas thing is due December 18. On top of that I have Christmas parades for band (and a band concert on the 16th), Speeches to prepare and deliver and then a life outside of school (work, dance, church, and friends...well I really do not have time for them anymore as much as I wish I did). If all goes well on these projects I will boost my grade back up to an A and not have to take the final exam...oh please, please, please I really haven't been listening to the Romantic Poetry we are reading in class (I can't concentrate I have too much on my plate) and do not want to have to study and learn it for the exam. On a brighter note Christmas break begins on the 21 (the 20th if I can get an A), and when I go back to school January 7th I will have all new classes waiting for me (woohoo for block scheduling!).
MUSICAL REHEARSALS WILL BEGIN IN JANUARY! The results came in of Friday, I am finally a dancer! I guess I am also a clown who will kidnap some guy or something like that. The musical is My Favorite Year, it is a lesser-known Broadway musical comedy. So everyone who is anyone should come to it on April 4 or April 5...mark your calenders! hehehe
I finally got my pictures from Kellie; she did a very nice job. I don't have any of the pictures that she took on the stairs, they must not have turned out...bummer. It is all good; I have some awesome pictures with a grande piano, and amazing pictures at Camp Luz. The only thing left that I think might be fun are some pictures in the snow!
Okay, enough updating, just thinking about school tires me out...I am going to bed.
things may be stressful now, but you will get through them. And plus, all this school work is a great example of what college will be like, having a big project to present or essay to write in every one of your classes at the end of the semester and then finals on top of that.
And besides, at least you have time to blog...
essays are not a problem for me, but 4 major writting projects in ONE class at the same time seems rediculous to me. But it is all good, I have the majority of the stuff writen, now I just have some editing mistakes to fix (thank you April for editing all of my boring papers, you are an amazing mentor).
I suppose I should state, that my overloaded homeowork is the only venue I currently feel that I can use to blame my stress on. But I should state that the writing is rough because it takes up time that I desire to use "defusing" and processing my other "stress" causing elements.
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