Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Oh Thumbelina

Thumbelina awoke one day
She decided to go out and play
Summer was here and about
Thumbelina indeed wanted out
Through the garden she did go
Enjoying the sights to and fro
Entering the rows of cucumbers and melons
She had no idea she was near some felons
Sitting on top of a nice cucumber
A baseball game she decided to ponder
Across the street her friends played hard
No idea she’d soon be charred
Never again to romp outside
Her physique had never been so tried
Hit was the ball, hit high and far
Coming close to a passing car
Crashing against Thumbelina’s heart
Launching her from her sitting part
Landing near with a sudden thud
Taking a hit from her big bad bud

Posted by Picasapicture: copywright 2005 S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc.


Anonymous said...

Hi there! This is an "unusual" post! :-) I saw the pictures of Sonja's quinceanera. You looked sooooooo beautiful. (I'm having the feeling I wrote this already before. I'm getting old! Maybe I just DREAMED I was going to tell you that, but never did. Oh well. Swiss cheese for brains. It happens when you are decrepit like me!) Looks like it was a fun party. What fun that you were able to be there and be a part of it!

Brooke said...

This odd picture was on my desk in Speech class after lunch on Wednesday. I had to write a story explaining how the picture cam to be. This is what I had after about 15ish minutes

Brooke said...

Thank you mama lou! Sonja's quinceanera was a lot of fun, and thank you for the compliment. just for the record, you had not written to me about the quinceanera before. Miss ya mama lou.