Monday, November 12, 2007

Grand Piano

In case you could not tell, I got some pictures taken with a grand piano today (thank you to my photographer, aka my mom). It was fun, many did not turn out as well as we had hoped, but that is okay. Here are my (and my moms) favorites. Sorry they may be they are hard to see (click on it to see full size, it'll help a I really really REALLY like all of the pics with me on top of the beautiful grand piano, so they will be hard to narrow down. The right top and middle are possible year book pics (my mom likes one I like the other, go figure). I am hoping that Kellie sends me the pictures she took this summer soon (like within a couple of days) so that I have a better option for the year book (and pick out the other pics), who knows if that will happen. Oh well, no big.

um... that is it so smile :)
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Kyle said...

beautiful. Good pics for sure.

Julie said...

Brooke it was a real grand piano no baby about it. It was fun to spend that time with you yesterday. You are so cute--you must take after your mom. :-)